Dirty, divorced and often depressed. A stereotypical Scottish hardman, externally fierce and gruff, seeks willing companion for
decades long bout of heavy drinking, detective work and self-destructive
behaviour. Unwilling to make an effort.
Detective Inspector John Rebus does not make a good personal

But a break can bring a lot of things. When Inspector Rebus
was forced into retirement two years ago, there were fears that freed from the
trials of the no-nonsense cop, the creator would find greener and happier
pastures to roam in. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In 2010, I spoke with Scottish writer Ian Rankin about the recent retirement of literary muse, John Rebus. Perhaps the most interesting part of the interview however was when Rankin talked about the place of crime fiction in the broader world of literature and the subtle work that writers like Ian McEwan, John Bandville [as Benjamin Black] and himself were doing to make crime fiction and literary fiction one and the same.
Click HERE to
read this interview in full as well as other interviews with Ann Enright, John Arden, Kevin Barry, Colm
Tóibin, Julian Gough, Donal Ryan, Colin Barrett, Catherine O'Flynn and Danielle